Monday, January 2, 2012

First post....

So, I find my self here again. Sitting in my bed, with a box of kleenex and a cup of neo citron... I have a cold!:( ... That was just an intro Im not sure why!

With the new year I made one of my plans to journal more... But then I thought, Why not journal where people can hold me accountable? I have alot going on right now and my anxiety is out the window! Why not reach out for some support?

Heres a bit about what has happened in the past bit

November: We lost Grandma Hannah, She will always be one of my angels in heaven. That lady is probably one of the most stubborn people! She held on for soooo long! Until her and God were ready to be together! Papa, I am sure you are already being bothered about the stains on your shirt!

December: Christmas! Great time! Aiden and Owen were cute as always!:) Family wise.... This is the month that I announced my big move. I am 22 years old and im definitly over stayed my welcome at my parents house.... Its time to move out! Distance wise they are not ok with but I feel like the distance will be enough to give me some time to grow in my faith and for them to grow closer together.|

January..Please stay tuned...

My prayer today? Free my anxious mind...“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

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