Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gods on the Radio

Today a friend was having a hard time with family ect..So I told her we were hanging out for the afternoon! Well...Our afternoon turned out to going to ikea! Buying a couch! ( $149!! How can you go wrong?!) and then bringing it to Barrie!

On the way there we talked about EVERYTHING we laughed, we went quiet, we had a good time! We both know the Christian Radio station out that way is 100.3, and I was reminded that we could turn it on when we hit just before Vaughan.

While we were driving, the radio personality kept bringing up Ephesians 4:26: "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" and part of our conversations were about solving problems before moving, or going to bed!

While also in the car, a lot of the songs spoke to us! Unfortunately I cant remember the names of the songs or really what they were saying but they were just about things that we could relate to!

Its amazing what God will do to let you know that he is there, He loves us no matter what mountain we are climbing and how tall that mountain is!

So today I pray for all of you, anyone who has an issue going on in your heart, turn on the radio, listen to music, preferably a christian station or CD....Let me know how God Talks to you!:)

Till next time,
Laura! God Bless!


  1. Hi Laura how are you? I am going through a rough time right now. Someone in our family passed away and I am still getting over it. My Family and I really need prayers of healing love ya ttyl

  2. Hi There,

    If you would like, you can email me personal prayer requests or I can just pray for general healing over `your`family
    My email is
