Friday, February 3, 2012

He can move a mountain! He is Mighty To save!

Im so sorry! Its been awhile. I was building my roots here in Barrie! I am loving it SO SO SO much! I have found an AMAZING church and the friends I have met here are WONDERFUL. GOD IS GREAT! God has been speaking to me in SO many ways laitly, and I have been posting them on my facebook.. But I thought Id post here for the day that someone who I dont have on facebook will read my blog and think wow...God has saved her!

The first was through music, this is what I said last night:

Do you ever feel like you are on fire for God? Since I got home tonight until now when I just put my bible down I have been in his word, praying, reading, thinking, singing.... Everything! Its amazing! This song has been in my head today, and I have been sharing quite a few songs so I thought about why not one more!

Isn't it amazing "Savior, He can move the mountains!!" He is capable of EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING!! Lets live to be HIM lets live to be like HIM, After all Genesis 1:26 God Said " Let us make man kind in our image, in our likeness" We are capable! We can move mountains! We are mighty to save! My prayer for you all on my facebook is for you to Shine your light! Let the whole world see!

The song is mighty to save, Here is the link

AMEN! ...wew! Thank you Jesus!

Thanks for reading!

Today I pray that you will shine your light! Show SOMEONE God, Do something GODLY :)

Till next time ( in like 2 minutes,) God Bless
Laura xo

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