Monday, February 20, 2012

An Empty Feeling!

Its amazing how much you rely on something!

Last night I left my bible ( and purse with no wallet) at church! I got home and realized it wasn't in my car and went into panic mode, my bible is a HUGE part of me and I was feeling weird without it.

After hanging out with Friends I got a text saying that a friend has my bible, fewf! I arranged to pick it up today at some point and I thought i was good..NOPE! Going to bed was SO weird.. Usually I will read my bible, do my devotions and go to bed at peace. NOPE! I was able to do some devos and pray but that major part of my routine was gone. This morning, Im used to waking up and having time with God with my bible... NOPE! It wasn't here.. I felt SO lost.. SO empty.

It just makes me think about how much God fills us! How lost and empty we would be without him in our lives. Its amazing how much once you accept it the holy spirit fills you.

So, in my time of no bible, I found my self doing alot of praying and looking up verses on line... It was definitely a different God time.. but it was SO good:)

So today I ask, What do you do to fill your self? Are you a bible reader? A prayer person? A surrounding your self in other believers? Evangelizing?

Today I pray that you try something new! Go out of your box! Work on Memory verses!

Till Next time.

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