Friday, February 3, 2012

God will do what he has to do to Get the word in me!

Have you ever drove down the street and saw a sign and thought more about it? Or saw a sign and related it to your own life? Friends and I have been talking about signs talking to us, whether a sign means a road name, A fortune cookie, an ad, a road sign, or a store name! We fully believe that is God talking to us! I was driving to Orillia this morning to help out a friend and of course, Life 100.3 was on the radio and so I was in total God mode. Just before the exit for Orillia off the 400 the sign read " Be a safe operator, check truck daily" as much as yes I understand thats very important for truckers to do, Its also VERY important for Christians to do in every day life. Its amazing how God uses every day signs to talk to us! Here, Let me break it down:

Be a safe operator : Be a good/safe Christian
Check Truck Daily: Check Bible/In with god daily.

Just a small reminder that spending time with God each day will allow us to be 'safe' with God and grow to be more like him:)

Today I pray that you open the eyes of your heart, Let God talk to you through the unexpected:)

Till next time, God Bless

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