Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines Day,

What does it mean?

For Some, It means Lets show that special person MORE attention and give a little gift, or spend extra time together

For Others, It means a slap in the face, a haha your single, a cause to be depressed

For Others, It means yes, I am single but thats ok... I can still show people that I appreciate them ect

For others, It means they are sitting back watching the couples wishing they were there..\

For Others, It means just another day.

For me? Im not sure... I dont hate the day, but I dont look forward to it.. In a relationship or out of a relationship. This year? Im single! Its great! I am celebrating my love for God by going to Campus Alpha with a bunch of friends:) I am planning on spending extra time with God!

In respect to Valentines day, I am reminded that I need to surrender my heart to God. He is the one who will make the proper decisions in my life:)

What do you think of Valentines day? Any plans?

My prayer for you is that you will be HAPPY, whether you are single or in love or in a new relationship, Give it to God. God will help you be HAPPY

Thanks Guys, Till next time

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